AI vision locking & assistance flight system in FPV drones for evaded radio signal interference AI vision locking & assistance flight system in FPV drones for evaded radio signal interference

AI Assistance Flight Solution

For scenarios equipped with full-band, high-power interference evices, HS Air Force customizes an AI Vision Locking & Assistance System for the FPV drone. This system will be activated before the remote control signal is interfered. When within a few hundred meters of the target and the remote control signal is interfered, the System can take over flight control. It achieves autonomous visual tracking and precise task completion through real-time image analysis and target recognition algorithms.

fpv drone anti-jamming AI-Module


AI Assistance Flight Solution

AI-powered Anti-jamming technologies in FPV Drone

Implementation Method of AI Assistance System

scenarios of AI-powered solutions for FPV drones to combat signal jamming

Application Scenario of AI Assistance System

FPV Drone models for AI-enabled anti-jamming solution

Recommended Combination Solutions

anti-jamming result of drones with AI vision locking & assistance flight system

Comparison Effects Before & After Installing

fpv drone with AI-module for anti-jamming

Solution Introduction

For scenarios equipped with full-band, high-power interference evices, HS Air Force customizes an AI Vision Locking & Assistance System for the FPV drone. This system will be activated before theremote control signal is interfered.When within a few hundred meters of the target and the remote control signal is interfered, the System can take over flight control. It achieves autonomous visual tracking and precise task completion through real-time image analysis and target recognition algorithms.

Implementation Method of AI Assistance System

By adding the "AI Vision Locking & Assistance System" to HS FPV drones such as X07M, X10M, P106M, P134M, or P136M.

fpv drone add AI module for tracking & locking of the target fpv drone add AI module for tracking & locking of the target

After adding the AI module, AI tracking & locking of the target can be realized, even in the presence of interference.

Application Scenario


When there is a need to track moving targets

AI-powered Anti-jamming technologies for tracking moving targets

The other party has a full-band jammer (strong interference environment)

AI-powered Anti-jamming technologies use in a full-band singnal jamming environment

In weak interference environments

AI-powered Anti-jamming technologies use in a weak interference environment

When there is a need to track moving targets


The other party has a full-band jammer (strong interference environment)


In weak interference environments

Recommended Combination Solutions

AI Assistance Flight Solution can be achieved by adding the AI module to the FPV drone such as HS-X07M/HS-X10M/HS-P106M/HS-P134M/HS-P136M

HS-X07M/ HS-X10M/ HS-P106M/ HS-P134M/ HS-P136M drone with AI-module HS-X07M/ HS-X10M/ HS-P106M/ HS-P134M/ HS-P136M drone with AI-module

Comparison Simulation of the Effects Before &
After Installing the AI Visual Locking &
Assistance System

Without the AI Module With the AI Module
FPV drones not featured AI-Module be interfered in a jamming environments FPV drones not featured AI-Module be interfered in a jamming environments
FPV drones features AI vision locking & assistance flight system not be interfered FPV drones features AI vision locking & assistance flight system not be interfered
Without the AI Module With the AI Module

(1) An FPV drone without the AI Assistance System, unable to approach the target
(2) The transmission image is interfered, leading to a crash

(1) The FPV drone with the AI Assistance System. With the AI module activated to lock and track the target
(2) The transmission image is interfered, but the target can still be locked and tracked.

Comprehensive Comparison of Solutions

  • Comprehensive Comparison of Solutions
    Comparison Table
  • Anti-interference Capability
  • Target Rate
  • Response Capability
  • Portability
  • Remote Control Distance
  • Load Capacity (with equivalent configuration)
  • Frequency Band Optimization Solution
    Solution 1
  • Weak
  • Low
  • Fast
  • High
  • Far
  • High
  • AI Assistance Flight
    Solution 2
  • Medium
  • Medium
  • Medium
  • High
  • Far
  • High
  • Fiber Optic Control
    Solution 3
  • Strong
  • High
  • Slow
  • low
  • Medium
  • Medium


Solution 1: Frequency Band Optimization Solution

Solution 2: Solution of AI Vision Locking & Assistance System

Solution 3: Solution of Optical Fiber Transmission Control System

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